today i want to share a little "how to" on how easy it can be to create a custom foiled cake topper for a special occasion you may have coming up this summer.

i was lucky enough to be asked to help out a fellow friend with the graduation celebration of her niece, and i knew exactly what i could do for her!

the plan was that she needed a graduation cake topper.
immediately my mind went straight to my electronic cutting machine and heidi swapp minc!
let the magic begin!

step 1.  enter the minc surface paper pad.
what is fabulous about this paper pad is that in one pad, there are 3 different surfaces that work with the minc in order to achieve beautiful foiled projects.  there are toner sheets, vellum sheets and glue sheets.

for my cake topper, i began by cutting out a graduation design from the silhouette design studio using my cutting machine.  i cut out the design from the black toner paper. 

my silhouette cut out the design just beautifully out of the black toner paper.  remember, the black toner paper is completely reactive to the minc heat reactive foil.  what is all black will be covered in foil once run through my minc.

nothing speaks graduation more perfectly than minc gold star foil.  this new foil release has to be one of my favourites and was truly the perfect choice when creating my cake topper.

and for the big reveal.  who does not love a beautiful pull back image of minc magic?
it is just stunning each and every single time.
truly never gets old.

i really love how beautiful this project turned out.
when my friend sent me this beautiful photo of her cake complete with the graduation foiled 2020 on top, it made me so very happy!

i know for many this year graduation celebrations took a much different turn this year.  

nonetheless everyone still chose to enjoy, honour and celebrate their graduates the best way they could!  i am really happy that i could help out in some small way.

what an absolutely beautiful cake!

my biggest congratulations to all the incredibly resilient 2020 graduates!

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